Fun at the Fair

At i catching design Tanzania we know the value of great client relationships. We understand the effort that is needed to attract new clients and the dedication and work that goes into building those relationships and retaining clients for the long term. But it can also be fun and at the recent ‘KILIFAIR 2016’ event in Moshi, Frednand and Harry were making the most of seeking out potential new business whilst, even more importantly, keeping in touch with our existing clients and suppliers, and offering a helping hand or advice if needed. Read on to find out more about how you too can keep your clients and customers happy and loyal…
An increasing issue for many businesses is that they either don’t know how to keep customers or appreciate the value of a loyal customer base. Some would even argue in this fast-paced, dog-eat-dog world, why bother? What are the real advantages of customer retention? Well the cost of keeping an existing customer is around 10% of the cost of acquiring a new one. Putting together a good retention strategy increases customer profitability, as the longer the relationship, the lower the account maintenance cost. And there are direct benefits of happy clients too, including:
- They are more likely to introduce your business to others
- They are more likely to purchase other products from you
- They are reluctant to even think about switching to a competitor
- They create a happier workforce within your business; if the customer has been loyal to the company, they require less help and have fewer problems to deal with, i.e less stress for your staff
Make promises you can keep – it’s no good promising a customer the world at your initial meeting if three months down the line they discover you don’t have the manpower, skills or knowledge to go about fulfilling your pledges. You have to make promises you can keep and be able to provide what the customer demands.
Good staff – employ staff who are enthusiastic and who actually know what they’re talking about. It’s frustrating if the customer contact person has no clue about what they’re actually selling – so staff training is key.
Communication – listen to your customers and ensure you keep customers well-informed, with regular emails or newsletters.
Reward loyalty – give customers something tangible like add-ons, vouchers, loyalty discounts or cards, special pricing and bonuses and gifts for ordering through a website.
Above all, keeping all your clients/customers and even suppliers happy should mean that actions speak louder than words. A proven rather than promised commitment will put you way ahead of the competition!